Monday, July 28, 2008

Personal Mission Statement

So I've been reading/listening up on Covey. 7 Habits stuff. I'm actually listening to the book on CD...I know, exciting driving material...actually, I quite enjoy it. Plus, I'm learning his material at work as well. Habit 2 - Personal Vision - Begin with the end in mind. Imagine it's your funeral (3 years from today)...what do you want people to say...who were you? Who was I? From this, he says to create a personal mission statement based on being principle-centered. It feels so big and's not...what's important to me? Who do I want to be in the roles in which I exist? Is it really that hard?
To be honest in all facets of my life
At work, to give high quality product
To strive to live from a place of presence
Okay, I think I may struggle a bit with this...I'm going to tool around with it a little...but what a message.
You think about what you'd want people to say about your character...what would I want my family, my friends, to say about me?

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