Wednesday, June 25, 2008

13 Teachings of Rabbi Y'srael Salanter

TRUTH - Do not say anything unless you know in your heart that it is true.
ALERTNESS - A minute is too precious to waste. Time must be properly utilized.
DILIGENCE - Decide what needs to be done, then do it enthusiastically and well.
RESPECT - Honor every person. He may not be your friend but he is a human being.
PEACE OF MIND - Be calm and composed and let it show in everything you do.
GENTLENESS - Wise men speak gently. Develop the habit and you will find yourself being listened to.
CLEANLINESS - Respect your body and your clothing. Keep them clean.
PATIENCE - Whatever happens, often it will be unpleasant - accept it with calm and patience.
ORDERLINESS - Make your willpower the master of your time. Plan, organize and follow through.
HUMILITY - You are not perfect. Recognize your own weakness. Ignore the faults of others.
RIGHTEOUSNESS - Always do the right thing, plain and simple, what the moral law demands and more.
THRIFT - Every penny should be spent carefully. Money can do too much good to be wasted.
SILENCE - Choose your words carefully. Don't talk unless you have something worthwhile to say.

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