Thursday, October 29, 2009

world's issues

Tonight my friends and I solved the world's issues. Well, not really but we touched on many sensitive topics. Parents, children, loved ones, overcoming obstacles, dealing with death, creative energy and learning that 'allowing is the key'. It was a stimulating conversation in which I stayed as present as possible.
Being aware, presence...this is what it's all about. Plus love too!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Isaiah 30:21
And your own ears will hear a word behind you saying, this is the way, walk in it

We are shown the path to travel, what's true to our hearts, but we have to be sure to listen. When we listen, we will be directed through the storms and struggles and the joys as well.

I hear the voices (you know what I mean), and I feel the direction to take. It's not always easy, and I don't always make the 'best' choices, but it's all about the learning experience as well.
Everyday we have a choice in how we will make the moments we decide what direction we will travel. Listen to your heart!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Do you ever just look around and thank God/Allah/Higher Power/Universe for friends. I know, it's so cliche, but so true. I reflect on this tonight after spending a couple hours with a good group of friends. They are good, honest people that are so open, so caring. They know how to enjoy a good laugh too. As a group, we've shared various life changes, joys and sorrows. Still, we have stayed strong and true to each other. We went on a retreat earlier this year and during that time, video was done of our adventures. Everytime I watch this video (like I did when I arrived home tonight), I get a little misty. It truly captured such aliveness, such spirit. I know I will go to bed well tonight after being reminded of how truly fortunate I am to have these ladies in my life.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


I attended an amazing workshop yesterday on journaling. In this workshop, we talked about the benefits of journaling and how to do it effectively; for example, finding a quiet space and making it a meditative process. We even wrote for an hour, but with intention. We focused on specific questions, thought-provoking questions to stimulate the process. The only criteria is to write it for your eyes only and date the entries. What will you write about today?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hidden Poem

Masks hide ones true self
How you really are inside
You have to look past
The face, the body
And into the heart
To truly understand
Some have made such good masks
People think they’re something that they’re not
Then try to tell people the real them
But people don’t believe it
They look on the outside
Not the inside
That’s what really scares me
That rarely anybody will ever know
The real person
Inside of a new found friend
Or a passer-by on the street.

I wrote this in 8th grade.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual growth is not about becoming more metaphysically complicated, but rather it is about growing simpler, as these very basic principles begin to permeate more and more deeply into our thought system.
—Excerpted from A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles (Marianne Williamson)

It's about Relationships

Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement, all success, all achievement in real life grows.-- Ben Stein